Which foods remove toxic ingredients from our body

For each man to stay physically and mentally healthy, it is essential to keep the body free from poison. By taking some of the food available on a regular basis, we can not remove our body from the toxic ingredients.
Bitter foods: bitter to eat out toxic substances from our body can play the most. Cirata water or bitter gourd juice in the case of neem leaves or not the pair.
Lemon: lemon, which has a bunch ditaksa daita the special type of organic toxins, which helps to eliminate toxins. The lemon contains vitamin C, which is particularly beneficial for the teeth and skin. Moreover, it brings back the balance of lemon acidity in your body alkaline effect. One day with a slice of lemon in hot water to eliminate toxins from your body.

Some foods help to prevent kidney diseases

Oxidation is a normal biological function of the body, which causes chemical reactions for the production of energy. Free Radicals of this type of reaction often creates unrestricted access to different parts of the body and the proteins, DNA, cells, etc. anganura damage. The idea is that these are aging and long-term diseases such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease is responsible for.
However, the amount of the special khadyagulote antioxidant which helps to eliminate the Free Radicals.
Capsicum: Capsicum keep your kidneys healthy may be the first choice. There is no pair of salad and cooking tasty. It contains vitamins A, C, B6, folic acid and fiber. Laikopina also the main element of the antioxidant, which may help prevent cancer.